Don't Hide

So often we communicate via email because it's quick, easy and non-threatening. We expect to be heard with just the right tone, excitement and body language. We usually try to add more words to explain ourselves so it sounds just right. Have you ever sat looking at an email thinking, "I wonder what THAT meant" or "I don't get it"? Well, chances are, so has someone after reading your mail. You have so much more to offer. Communicating through email, text or social media is great, it keeps us connected and saves us time, BUT... if you are trying to share an opportunity or here it comes, "sell" something, don't hide behind your computer. Take it off-line as fast as you can and start building a relationship. Don't fudge on making the calls, get started and be real. You are a professional, roll up your sleeves, smile and start dialing.

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